Monday, September 24, 2007

The Diary of Anne Frank (1959) - Polish

Art by Roslaw Szaybo


Pookie said...

I've sat here at my computer and stared at this poster for almost 10 minutes and I still don't have any words to describe how I feel about it.

I DO like it, but I don't know why.
strange, I know.

MacGuffin said...

The expression of those eyes with the star of David overlayed on the face, peering through bars is very very haunting. I posted this particular poster in response to Holocaust denier Ahmadinejad's visit/speech/Q&A to Columbia University today.

Pookie said...

I'm sorry.

There will always be naysayers out there no matter the tangible evidence.

MacGuffin said...

Yeah, especially if they have an agenda that contradicts the facts. It's an age old problem.

At any rate, I'm very pleased you're digging the posters. Give Buckaroo a squeeze for me and tell em to do a new podcast. I know he reads a ton of stuff every month. :)

Erik Donald France said...

Eerie. She stands in for the inarticulate, certainly.

Blancodeviosa said...

A hauntingly beautiful poster.

ultravox said...

I didn't quite catch the symbolism, nice touch though on the poster.

I applaude Columbia U. for being open minded enough to have the guy speak, but really did we expect him to say anything Earth shattering? Same ole propaganda BS. As far as him wanting to visit the twin towers, I'd have told him ok--first we have to frisk you for weapons (you have to have a permit to carry them here--for US citizen anyway), and we'll drop you and your bodyguards off there after sundown--see ya!

MacGuffin said...

Blanco- I thought you'd like it.

Vox- A very simple reminder from a very personal, very REAL story involving the very real Holocaust.